Tag Archives: vintage decor

A Christmas Gift Makeover

31 Dec

I hope everyone had a Happy Holidays and are gearing up to ring in the New Year! I just wanted to quickly share a Christmas gift make over. This is not really a DIY or tutorial just an example of how taking old personal objects and giving them mini makeovers can make a huge impact.

Last year my parents moved over 800 miles away, and in the midst of the stress of moving my dad went and threw out an old Western Electric crank phone that was his grandfathers. After moving this year myself I can understand towards the end just wanting to get rid of everything! I felt like he would regret this rash decision so I exonerated the phone from its fate of the local dump and brought it home.

DSC_1072 DSC_1073It sure had seen better days, and was in some dire need of a little TLC. So that is exactly what it got, a little sanding, polishing, painting and staining. Finally it was all ready for Christmas day to be shown off and given back to my dad. Here is the refurbished after shot.

DSC_1136 DSC_1139Much better, don’t you think? I love sentimental gifts! I would love to hear about your favorite gift this year!

Twine Wine Bottles

14 Sep

I am slowly but surely becoming addicted to Craigslist. I search it all the time and get way too excited when I think I have scored a good deal. The other day I found someone selling these old vintage bottles, for a buck a bottle. I was like a kid on Christmas morning!

Now I know what you are thinking, she is crazy they are dirty and just old. I knew with a little TLC these bottles could be collectively a great accent piece. All they needed was a little love, like Charlie Brown’s Christmas Tree. So I cleaned them up and spray painted them with valspar cream.

Next I had three different types of twine which I hot glued around the bottles.

I continued this with the rest of the bottles, seven in total. Here is the final product.

I am really happy with how they turned out! You don’t have to be addicted to Craigslist to recreate these.  Simply use bottles you would normally recycle like wine bottles, jam jars, or sparkling water bottles.

Vintage WWII Party

26 Jun

Happy Tuesday everyone! In my search for sensational party ideas I came across a Vintage World War II fourth of July party. Of course it was love at first sight! I found these pictures on simply stunning, and I have to say the party truly is stunning. It incorporates my love of vintage themes and it’s a unique idea.