Archive | August, 2012

Script Scarf – Fall Trend

29 Aug

If you can’t tell I am all about the DIY. The reasons why I love DIY projects are many.  One reason is that at the end of every project you really get something uniquely yours, something no one else has. A second reason is I also believe when you put a little work into something you appreciate it so much more in the end. As soon as I saw this creative DIY idea from Stamp48 I knew this was a must try and a must blog!

Materials needed: A plain scarf and fabric markers. Stamp 48 suggested using Tee Juice markers, that can be found on Amazon.

Stamp 48

Pick out a poem you want to write on your scarf. Lay out the scarf.  Make sure to place cardboard underneath, since the markers will bleed through. Do a few test letters and then simply write directly on the fabric. Remember to follow any instructions on the box of fabric markers.

Stamp 48

I will definitely be trying this one for myself. Since I already own about thirty-five scarfs (a sick addiction, I know) I will be giving one of them a mini make-over. Stay tuned for pictures!

Shabby Chic Window Frame

27 Aug

I had an epic find the other day at a local thrift store!  A four dollar window frame, oh yes, four dollars!! I mean, just on principle alone I had to buy it. I will be the first to admit it I am horrible taking the before picture of anything so you will just have to bare with me and my description. It was really dirty and faded white but I knew right away there was some serious potential in it.

First, I sanded it down and gave it a good wash. At this time I still really had no idea what I was going to do with the window frame but I knew something would come to me. I sanded it down then painted it a light blue/grey.

I finally decided that I was going to turn this old frame into a chalk board key hook.

Next, I sanded down the painted frame to give it a distressed look.

Then I applied chalk-board paint to the outer panes leaving the middle one clear.

Next step is to add the hooks.

Finally I hung this right as you walk into the kitchen from our garage, so it’s easy to hang your keys, write a grocery list, and what have you. I think it’s a pretty good deal for four dollars!

Apples to Apples

20 Aug

It’s almost apple picking season! I know, I know it seems crazy because it’s still hot and humid. I don’t make up the rules, I just get the local e-mails telling me it’s almost time to pick apples.  There is nothing better than a freshly picked apple. I have started my apple recipe collection in full anticipation for the best time of the year!

Crockpot Apple Sauce: Click Here  for the recipe, a bonus to making this is it will make your house smell awesome. A smart idea would be to make this before a party.

Carmalized Apple Crepes: My mouth is watering just typing about these. Click Here for the recipe from Martha Stewart.

Apple, Walnut and Endive Salad: I had to through something healthy in. You can find the recipe here from Whole Living.

Glazed Apple-Spice Cake: Oh bread, how I heart you. I will be making this for sure come fall. Click Here for the recipe from Whole Living.

DIY Geometric Paper Lanterns

16 Aug

Leave it to Oh Happy Day to come up with a fresh take on paper lanterns! I am totally going to have to try these out for my house warming. Check out the pictures below, and if you want the step by step instructions click here.

Hair S.O.S

15 Aug

Ok, it’s the middle of August it’s hot and humid and my hair is OUT of control. There is no helping it, I need some serious hair therapy. Yesterday it was 88% humidity and there is just no chance in having a good hair day. I have gathered some of my favorite hairstyle to use on a hot and humid day.

Reflective Dirftwood

13 Aug

It’s all about the driftwood.  Who would have thought that water-beaten logs could be turned into decorations?  My sister-in-law had an idea of making a driftwood mirror and I thought, “Hey, I live along the water. I can get all the free driftwood I want!”  Our downstairs bathroom mirror was the perfect candidate as it was completely plain and terribly ugly. So I gathered the driftwood I collected and introduced it my mirror.  “Hello mirror!”

I laid out the driftwood to get an idea of how the pieces were going to fit.  It was kind of like a seaside puzzle. That’s our dog Dash’s paw in the photo. She was oggling the drftwood, as she really wanted to chew on a piece of it.

Since the mirror was hard to hang, as the mirror hangers would interfere with the driftwood placement, I hung it before gluing the drfitwood on. That, of course, made it a little more difficult to glue the wood on.  So I would glue a piece and then use painters tape to hold it in place.  It worked like a charm!

And here is the final result.  What do you think??

Wine Tasting Inspiration

11 Aug

As you know I want to do a Harvest House warming, I felt like I needed a little inspiration. When a few friends said they were heading to a local winery I thought what better way to get in harvest mode then a winery! Here are a few pictures from our visit.

DIY Poem Pillows

9 Aug

I am super excited to share my latest project with you. Since we moved I have had throw pillows that don’t match the vibe of the new house. I’ve seen many awesome script pillows with inspirational phrases on them, and I knew I just had to have one. So I bought these plain linen pillow cases that you can find on Etsy and began to dabble in a little pillow decor.

I started out by picking one of my favorite poems, Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken. NOTE: This poem doesn’t look that long but this did take me some time to stencil onto the pillows.  If you have a short attention span like I do I suggest picking a shorter poem, or phrase.

Materials Needed:

Fabric paint, pillow cases, small paint brush, and letter stencils! The stencils I used are actually sticky so you press right on the fabric and then you don’t have to worry about the paint running outside the boundary of the letter’s.  You can find theses at A.C Moore.

Step One: Start writing out the poem.  Make positively sure you spell the words correctly because there’s no eraser available!  Then paint away. The paint dries quite fast so you can paint a few words and then spell a few more words.

Step Two: I decided to add a little flare and stenciled a bird onto the pillow to break up some of the words.

And Voila!  In the end you have one of a kind pillow covers that are uniquely you! I am so in love with these new pillows I can’t stop starting at them!

Go Team USA

6 Aug

If you are like me then every two years you become totally obssesed and drawn into the Olympics. I am virtually glued to the TV and can’t get enough.  I try to watch all the events when I can. If they aired all the badminton I would probably watch that too! The Olympics are so inspiring I might actually start running on a regular basis. In the meantime here is some Red, White, and Blue inspiration for your Monday!

Make a Statement-Ribbon Pearl Necklace

5 Aug

Pearls are so classic that I feel that every woman should own a pearl necklace. That being said, I feel like they can be a little updated from our grandma’s pearl necklaces. Last year I bought the pearl and ribbon necklace below for my bridesmaids as a gift from Etsy.

They are so classic and elegant but I wanted something with a little more statement and a bit trendier. So, I started on my pearl necklace quest and found a long strand of pearls at Marshalls and instantly knew I could make something cool with them. I decided to add a little ribbon and this was the outcome.

It was so easy to make and I love it.  I can easily add a broach if I feel like I want a little more bling or I can leave it the way it is for a go-to necklace for work. Here is what you need to know if you want to make a ribbon pearl necklace of your own!

Materials needed: Long pearl necklace, ribbon, scissors, that’s it!

Step one: Take the strand of pearls and create a four strand necklace.

Step two: At both ends of the necklace double knot an equal length of ribbon creating a two ribbon strand.

Step three: Measure out necklace length and cut the ribbon to your desired length.

Step four: Tie a bow for the clasp, don it, and make a pearl statement!