Tag Archives: Onesie

A Personal Baby Gift

15 Jan

When a friend of mine told me she was pregnant with her first baby I was so excited! Excitement turned into shock when she informed me that they were not finding out the sex of the baby. She is one of my fellow event planning friends and by nature we hate surprises and must know everything in advance!! I admire her for waiting, it’s the ultimate surprise! I wanted to find her some unique onesies there are some really clever ones out there, but of course it’s a little harder to find some gender neutral ones. After a quick onesie search the thought that has been popping up in my head more and more lately returned “I could totally makes those!” So I gathered my supplies and decided to give it a shot. What do you have to lose? They don’t have to be perfect since the baby will mostly be wearing it for about an hour before needing a change.

What you will need:

  • Plain Onesies I used six month Gerber white onesies
  • Non Toxic fabric paint (which I think is all fabric paint, because really why would fabric paint be toxic??)
  • Stencils
  • Sponge
  • Piece of cardboard

baby all

Or add a little gender neutral colors instead of just black. What do you think, would you consider giving a personalized onesie?
